About Us
Go Baby Go (GBG) is a community-based outreach program that works with families, clinicians and industry partners to provide pediatric mobility equipment to children with disabilities. The primary mission of GBG is to provide modified ride-on cars to these children to use as a powered mobility device for fun, function, and exploration. GBG was founded by Dr. Cole Galloway, PT, PhD at the University of Delaware. Shawn Israel, PT, DPT and Heather Feldner, PT, PhD, PCS became co-directors of Go Baby Go Seattle in 2016, which officially became UW Go Baby Go in 2020. Through playgroups, community events, and workshops we provide opportunities for families to build relationships and for children to socialize with their peers. We aim to provide all Go Baby Go cars to families at no cost, through sponsorship of workshops and individual and corporate donations.

Importance of Mobility
Mobility in children is more than just about getting from one place to the next; it is also about exploring the world in a way that allows for independence and healthy brain development. Currently, there are no commercially available devices for young children with mobility issues to get around on their own and power wheelchairs usually aren’t an option until children are older. These modified ride-on cars are important because they give children control over their mobility which research has shown leads to developmental gains in motor skills, cognition, language, and social skills.

Who Benefits from Involvement?
- Children with delays in mobility
- Children with intellectual and/or sensory impairment
- Age ranges currently 6 months – 5 years
- Parents looking for an active and engaging experience to share
- Siblings and peers benefit from social and community engagement
- Workshops are appropriate for families, clinicians, community members, students, educators, and engineers and allow hands-on experience in modifying a ride-on car for a young child with a disability. For more information or to host a workshop, please contact: gobabygo@uw.edu